Daria Kundalini Yoga Teacher — Kundalini Yoga with Daria - High On Yoga - Manchester

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Daria - founder of High On yoga

Kundalini Yoga teacher and Yoga Therapist.

I help people find some sanity in this completely insane world. Find peace and stillness within to be able to face life challenges with positivity and strength. So we can live our best lives possible.

I love taking on challenges and impossibilities. My body, mind and soul thrive on breaking limits and proving the impossible possible. So I jump(or sometimes drag myself) into hard tasks and any places within me where there’s a lot of fear or anxiety, to free myself from it. This is the essence of Kundalini Yoga, it gives one experience of being limitless.   

I love sharing the teachings of Yogi Bhajan both in the UK and abroad. I still find it amusing and humbling to see on a daily basis how Kundalini Yoga liberates, elevates, makes others stronger, more courageous and alive. Join my weekly classes, arrange yoga therapy session, private yoga class or sign up for a workshop /retreat.

  • Kundalini Yoga Teacher Level 1 - KRI Certification 2011

  • Kundalini Yoga Teacher Level 2 - KRI Certification 2015

  • Yoga Therapist in training 2019 - present


1. I’m Polish and love living in Britain. Before I moved to Manchester I lived in Edinburgh, Scotland.

2. I’m obsessed about spreading the teachings of Kundalini Yoga so my audience ranges from international artist like Bjork to inmates in the local prisons.

3. Now I’m sugar-free but before I’ve stepped on this wellness path I had my tea with 5 sugars.

4. My dream is to become a stand-up comedian but do jokes about yoga, meditation and spirituality only.

5. I love extreme sports and did some paragliding in my teens and even raced at Silverstone.

6. My last guilty pleasure is speciality coffee.

7. I listen to podcasts all the time. Some of my favorite include: Guru Singh, Dr Wayne Dyer, Ram Dass, Tony Robins, Rich Roll & more.


Want to connect with me? Join my mailing list or see me on the mat!


''I have been stumbling along on a wayward spiritual path for the past 15 years or so. It’s been an on off, aimless meander through all sorts of different influences. I doubt I’ll ever commit to a specific tradition. Instead I go for the ‘pick and choose’ approach. Buddhism, Hinduism, Mantra, meditation, art, music, nature and psychedelics – I’ve explored them all as paths toward the infinite. The problem with the smorgasbord approach is that it’s not focused and at worst is just a confusing mess of inspiration pointing in different directions.

Daria's class has become an anchor point. Kundalini yoga makes everything point in the same direction. It’s the eye of the storm. The Buddhists talk about taking refuge in the 3 jewels I see Daria's class as my Sangha and it is absolutely indispensable. I’ve made more progress in the last year with your class as the focal point than I did in the last 15 years. I do yoga every day (well most days) and it is never a chore. I went on a weekend away with my mates last week and still took 20 minutes out to re connect. I will do this for the rest of my life. Oh, and physically I’m in tip top condition. Thanks solely to yoga. But that’s just a bonus." - Mat, Manchester

“I have been attending Daria's kundilini yoga classes for about 3 months now. I have never felt such deep relaxation, peace & energy than in one of her classes. It is such an amazing way to truly switch off your mind and focus on your body & soul (Which can be especially hard with a baby & todler!) My husband now attends the classes and thinks they're amazing also. I can't recommend Daria enough. She has helped me in so many ways!” - Jerry, Wrexham

"I've been attending Daria's classes for about 8 months now and during that time I have witnessed many changes in my life. I have practiced various types of yoga before, which have been brilliant physically and mentally. Kundalini however, has propelled me deeper into a journey of self-enquiry and a life filled with positivity, clarity and presence.

Each of Daria's classes contains a different kriya (sequence), which changes from week to week. It's evident that she puts time and thought into this along with the focus or intention at the beginning of the class. The kriyas are often challenging yet rewarding and we are given breathing techniques and mantras to help us stay focussed. Daria appears to connect with every member of the class in an energetic sense; she's aware of how we may be feeling due to changes in nature or the time of year.

The exercises have strengthened my body and the meditation has calmed the chatter in my head, allowing space for intuition and wise decision making. As a working artist, I have also witnessed a dramatic boost in creativity. The breathing techniques and chanting have allowed me to connect with my self, creating a stillness that has helped me to let go of bad habits. My alcohol intake is almost nonexistent, I have completely stopped smoking and my diet has improved dramatically. I also feel it has heightened my appreciation for nature, daily life and the human experience.

Daria's teaching style is firm and encouraging. It reveals the importance of letting go of negative emotions and focussing on the positives. This simple change in perception has attracted career opportunities, new relationships and mind-blowing experiences. Kundalini is a very powerful practise and I feel extremely grateful to have it, and Daria, in my life. - Hannah, Manchester

I’m here to answer all your yoga enquiries, drop me a message here. Let’s chat!