TRIPLE MANTRA. Meditation to remove obstacles. 40 days challenge 9.02.2023-20.03.2023

Pre-spring cleaning - cleanse your inner self and make space for the new

Benefits of the Triple Mantra

  • It surrounds your magnetic field with protective light.

  • Removes obstacles in your daily life and on your spiritual path. 

  • Keeps negativity away.

  • Opens the space for things to happen.

  • Strengthens intuition.

  • Be guided by faith instead of fear.

  • Cleanse your mind to create new reality in the future.

  • Join daily live practice at 6.30am Zoom, or do it in your own time.

    Register below to receive the Zoom link and recording of the mantra.

  • It takes 40 days to break a habit. Let’s break with old, negative habits and create new, expansive ones!

    Transform your mind in this 40 days challenge.


Aad Guray Nameh, Jugaad Guray Nameh

Sat Guray Nameh, Siri Guroo Day-vay Nameh

Aad such, Jugaad such

HaiBhee such, Naanak Hosee Bhee Such

Aad such, Jugaad such

HaiBhay Such, Naanak Hosee Bhay Such.

About your host - Daria

I’m a KRI Certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher Level I & II and love sharing the teachings of Yogi Bhajan both in the UK and abroad.

I still find it amusing and humbling to see on a daily basis how Kundalini Yoga liberates, elevates, makes others stronger, more courageous and alive.

I’m obsessed about spreading the teachings of Kundalini Yoga so my audience ranges from international artist like Bjork to inmates in the local prisons!

Give me a chance to introduce you to all the magic, happiness and peace that Kundalini Yoga can offer you.