Daily practice in Kundalini Yoga.

FREE Kundalini Yoga webinar.

Would you like to learn how daily yoga or meditation practice can transform your life?

What are the components of the successful practice?

How could you design the routine that works for you?

Join us for this webinar to learn all about daily practice in Kundalini Yoga.

IN this mini workshop you will learn:

  • what is sadhana (daily spiritual practice)

  • why are we doing sadhana in Kundalini Yoga

  • how to design your own practice

  • what is included in effective practice

  • learn about yoga, meditation, mantra and other ingredients for daily practice

  • what are the benefits of regular yoga and meditation

  • art of ‘keeping up’ and ‘letting go’ - when to carry on and when to stop

    You will have a chance to ask your questions and have them answered too.

This webinar will last about 45 minutes.

It’s a LIVE webinar on Zoom, replay will be sent to all the registrants.

When? Tuesday 27th September 2022 8pm

Let’s hang out together and chat all things Kundalini Yoga. I would love to see you there!


Sign up to join a FREE webinar to learn how to connect with your intuition.

About your host - Daria

I’m a KRI Certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher Level I & II and love sharing the teachings of Yogi Bhajan both in the UK and abroad.

I still find it amusing and humbling to see on a daily basis how Kundalini Yoga liberates, elevates, makes others stronger, more courageous and alive.

I’m obsessed about spreading the teachings of Kundalini Yoga so my audience ranges from international artist like Bjork to inmates in the local prisons!

Give me a chance to introduce you to all the magic, happiness and peace that Kundalini Yoga can offer you.